
Genome biology. 2013-07-26; 14.7: R77.

The genome and transcriptome of the enteric parasite Entamoeba invadens, a model for encystation

Ehrenkaufer GM, Weedall GD, Williams D, Lorenzi HA, Caler E, Hall N, Singh U

PMID: 23889909


Several eukaryotic parasites form cysts that transmit infection. The process is found in diverse organisms such as Toxoplasma, Giardia, and nematodes. In Entamoeba histolytica this process cannot be induced in vitro, making it difficult to study. In Entamoeba invadens, stage conversion can be induced, but its utility as a model system to study developmental biology has been limited by a lack of genomic resources. We carried out genome and transcriptome sequencing of E. invadens to identify molecular processes involved in stage conversion.
